Hi folks. Allow me first to greet you a pleasant good day and night. Since this is my first blog I've created, I would be happy that many cebuanos are bloggers where they have enjoyed their extra time making blogs. I read some of there blogs, some are information blogs, technical blogs, personal blogs, and some other blogs that are good enough to read. That's why I decided to create my blogs too and this is my first blog that used to. I have some difficulty of choosing my website url blog before I got this place for blog. I know that English grammar is not my barrier of blogging, I't doesnt matter if how many times I get wrong grammar to my blog as long as it is readable for everyone especially for cebuano people like me,..hehe,..I mentioned all of that because at first I afraid in blogging since I remembered during my college years I got 2.8 grade in my english subject. But I really understand that it doesnt really matter because I'm just a bloodline of "bisaya" and I want to impart that wherever I go.
So, I choose my url as
klintshin.blogspot.com and it's really unique for and with a heading "I'm one of them.. Bisaya akong dugo.." It gives me confident that I should stand my nativity of being a "bisaya" individual. By this time, I will make blogs through here, any kind of blogs, i dont care what i'm trying to talk about..hehe,..if that is an information, personal, and everything that involves blogging...And I want make more and more blogs..and for now I can have my abstract drawing in paint.bmp here,..
Live a Simple Life and You have always enough..."
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